It always amazed me when people have this innate feeling that water consumption that is only important during the summer months. I understand we feel and see the signs of dehydration more in the warm weather, but do we? We feel the heat, we sweat, our muscles cramp and we feel rung out from heat and from humidity. So visible signs are there, and most of may think that those are the only signs associated from dehydration. The winter months tend to bring a whole new group of dehydration symptoms from severe dry skin, constipation, bad digestion, dizziness, wrinkles, dry hair and nails, urinary tract infections, bladder and kidney infections, just to name some of the visible health conditions from lack of internal moisture. The thing we have to remember during the cooler weather is we wear more heavy clothing, sleep under more blankets, use the heat in offices, homes and cars, eat heavier foods and tend to eat more processed high sodium foods. So this is an issue that affects all of us, some worst than others, but effects are there for each and every one of us. Dehydration is a major issue, and if we could just try to make the 8-8 ounce glasses of water or more daily a yearly thing, and not a season routine we will all be better off, and healthier. The funny thing is no matter how many times I talk to someone about water consumption, and how many symptoms I warn them about, the one thing that usually gets more people to become a winter water drinker is the fear of wrinkles and premature aging!! Drink up!! Although much of the country is still experiencing knee deep snow, cold winter weather and freezing temperatures, we on the west coast are starting to see the trees blooming bring allergy season alive once again. For people that do not suffer with allergies, you are very lucky, for the rest of us every year is a surprise to see how good, or how dreadful the season will be to us. This year we experienced a lot of moisture due to an extreme amount of rain, so my gut feelings say the allergy and blooming season will be intense. Knowing this ahead of time can make all the difference in the world, allowing us to prepare before it hits full force. It means that being proactive and preventive can be the difference between a walk in the park, or a walk through wet cement. A few helpful tips that make the season easier and more enjoyable is to make small changes that bring monumental differences. 1- Eat an anti inflammatory diet (Mediterranean) . This way of eating promotes a reduction in your inflammatory response allowing your body to be under less stress, and less intensity towards problematic health problems. 2- Increase your water consumption to keep mucus diluted, the body hydrated and to effectively flush the toxins out of your system. 3- Believe it or not a bad nights sleep can weaken your immune system and make fighting allergies much more difficult. There are many incredible natural sleep support formulas that can make a huge difference in the quality and duration of your sleep. I am also frequently asked about supplements that give us support for the allergy season. I am a strong advocate of using a couple nutritional supplements that can really help to make the season better. -Whole food multiple vitamin -Vitamin C 1000-3000 mg daily -Omega 3 fatty acids -Las Vegas Mix- a local high desert homeopathic formula -Colloidal silver nasal spray -Kyolic Garlic Just a few tips to make your allergy season better, healthier and more tolerable. Remember, being proactive can make such a difference in your allergy season. When I am asked about the first step to making a change towards better health, I think most people think I will say the taking supplements is the first and primary stop on the list, and they would be wrong. Although nutritional supplements fill the cracks and crevices of a diet missing nutrients, they are supplements meaning they supplement the diet. Diet is the first and primary place we Americans need to aim our focus because it is the foundation for building, rebuilding, protecting, lubricating and allowing us to live and be healthy. Today our diets are lacking even the basic nutritional support, as we have gravitated to a high sugar, unhealthy white bleached flour diet, with junk food, and pre-made microwaveable food at the top of our food pyramid. The change to healthy eating for many is no easy task, and it can be over whelming and frustrating. The major contributor and ring leader is our palate, which leads us towards our unhealthy lifestyles so many of us are now following. There is a process of retraining our taste buds, and if we are diligent we can persevere and move past our unhealthy cravings. Once the diet has been even mildly adjusted the importance for fresh clean water and supplements becomes very clear. Now they can do the work they are meant to do, rather than just fixing all the gaps in an unhealthy diet. Now the supplements can help to build a healthy body and tackle health issues and imbalances. Is it a process? yes. Are there times when you want to just quit? yes. Is it worth it in the big picture? absolutely. I have decided it has been more than enough time since I have blogged, and I have also realized that each post does not have to be a novel. Sometime I have personally received the best information in the form of a comment, a sentence or just something I heard in passing. I try to bring information that is thought provoking, a piece of information that creates a process of thought, or even better a timely tidbit of information that is at the right time for the right person during the right situation. Today I know that each of us either publicly, but most likely privately want to feel better then we do. We want more energy, we want to think and remember more clearly, we want to feel more comfortable in and out of our clothes. I will bet many of us have the same conversation, or a version of the conversation with our mirrors in the morning. How did I get here, when did I get so old, so out of shape, when did this happen? We at that moment get very motivated for a change, because we do want it, but somewhere between the mirror conversation and taking on the day we just slide into the same routine. This is the norm today, they can never say we do not have the best intentions, or that we do not want change badly, its our follow through is where we tend to slip. I promise to bring you thoughts, tips and friendly reminders to help all of us heading in the right direction. Talk to you soon. So we are a little half way through this year, I am wondering if you are still on path for your healthy goals. Every year so many of us start with high hopes and motivation and either life, or ourselves get in our way. We blame the world, our job, friends, family or just any reason that sounds good at the time. Sooner or later we come up on the half way mark of the year and we either get really motivated, mostly from guilt of not staying on track, or we start to convince ourselves that we might as well wait, as the holiday season is upon us already. I will say from the bottom of my heart that we Americans do have the best intentions, and we are very passionate about making changes, our downfall is the follow through and the perseverance to stay on course. Do I have a magic wand or a quick tip to get us headed in the right direction, No. I truly do feel that either being sick and tired of being sick and tired seems to gets us very motivated, as does a bad check up at the Doctor, or we possibly have an emergency health life altering situation. All of these tend to be very motivating, and it is kind of sad that some of us need them to get going, or to motivate us to get moving in a healthier direction. I think we just need to have that vulnerable talk with ourselves in the mirror first thing in the morning and remind ourselves daily that we deserve to be healthy, we can be healthy, and we should be healthy! Although my blog is usually based on health topics, today although a bit different I think this topic may still fit the bill, but in a much different way. It seems as if we are inundated with news today, with every radio and television station striving for the most effective ways to hold us the listener and viewer, while keeping us on the edge of our seats with captivating, as it happens news, no matter what the topic. Although we have become accustomed to this way of staying informed, is it really the healthiest thing for us emotionally and physically as the viewer and listener? I mean do we seriously need to watch a mass shooting over and over from every angle, with so called specialists in every field giving their "opinions" all the while playing feedback until we are at the breaking point of stress and emotions. Have we as a people become so accustomed to this style of news reporting that it has become the norm, and has it further desensitized us to the point where there is nothing that has shock value in our lives any longer? Lately I have found myself turning in for the basic news and then tuning out. I know being informed is important, but I think I yearn for the time in my childhood, although corny when we heard about things after they happened, sometimes days after. We would hear about was happened, where it happened, and never did we have to see it, re see it or relive it over and over all day long. Also, when did news reporters start to have opinions? I always thought the job of an anchor or reporter was to report the news while keeping their personal feelings to themselves, letting us the viewers and radio listeners formulate our own opinions.Today we not only get the pictures and videos jammed down our throats, but the opinions on both sides aggressively thrown at us. I wonder how events over the years would have turned out with today’s reporting. The Vietnam war, World War I, World War II, and so many others that may have had different outcomes due to the on the spot as it was happening style of reporting. I am all for education, and informing the public, as I do it for a living, but the standard world news… I think we all need a brain break! I think somewhere along the way on our journey of day to day living, many of us started thinking that getting rid of a symptom meant we were fixed, balanced or healed. I guess like everything else these days we like the fast fix, I mean we love fast food, and well fast everything. I think the magic wand quick fix solutions at every drug store promising a solution to the annoying symptoms we just cannot deal with has become the only choices we think to consider. Now after thinking that way for a while now we are actually frustrated when something does not relieve a problem in a fast and in a quick amount of time. Somewhere along the way we stopped taking responsibility for the actual health problem, and stopped even considering that we may personally be responsible for the unhealthy outcome. I get it, stress comes at us from every angle, and lots of it, and we have made ourselves busy every day, whether or not we actually were doing anything important or not, many times we just think we are too busy. When I do a sit down consultation and we are talking about healthy solutions including diet, exercise, sleep, and healthy supplements, I am so frequently taken back when I am asked if they need to stay on this program forever, and when can I eat what I want? Does that strike you odd? I mean you are trying to change all the things that got you sick or unhealthy, and before you are barely started with the process you want to know how long until you can go back to where you are getting away from now? We are creatures of habit, and I have seen hundreds of times that when you stick to the program and commit to the changes for a 3 or more week period of time, the results are so strong that you will not want to go backwards. But if your will is not strong, and you give in right away you will slide back to square one faster than you can imagine. So the bottom line is work with someone who has the knowledge to help you paint the healthy path to follow, and pull your patience out of your back pocket and commit to change.. You deserve it. When is enough, enough? When do we get to the point of being so unhealthy that we are finally ready to make a change? Every day I hear from people, listeners and even friends who are suffering with so many health problems, and although they are well aware of change being necessary in one form or another, they seem to be awaiting a magic wand or magic lamp! Of course if this was even close to a possibility, I would have a chain of those magic wand and lamp stores all over the world, but change, work, and treating ourselves with a healthier respect seems to be the most realistic way of bringing change. I will also be the first to say that there are plenty of us who have worked hard at our health, making changes and crossing our t's and dotting our i's, and still may not have achieved the results we were looking for. I guess it comes down to wrapping our mind around the idea that we did not get in these situations over night, and it may take a while, and possibly different approaches to get success. Do we get frustrated, yes. Do we we feel like throwing our hands in the air and giving up sometimes, yes. Are we human and are these responses perfectly normal, yes. Do we need to work on our patience and do our homework, yes. As a nation we do not have the luxury today that we had in the past of having a mentality that these health problems may happen when I am really old, because that philosophy is no longer valid. The one time geriatric health problems afflicting only the older segment of our country has now trickled down to many of us at alarmingly young ages. Diet, stress, processed food, hormonal problems and just not taking care of ourselves are major culprits, so attention to healthy detail now starts at a much younger age. So do not be so hard on yourself, ask questions of quality well informed people in the health field and remember that the first try may not always be the most successful choice. If you had to make a list of all of the things you have learned in your lifetime, I am sure the list would be vast, and loaded with amazing things. But I am going to guess that if you are anything like me the list of the things you knew and have forgotten along the way might be longer. I think back at all the stuff I knew and now get those ah ha moments when I recall the information. I am going to stick to the story that we are in information over load and the files we do not access go somewhere to be filed for later use, until I need the information and cannot figure out where those files are.
I do agree that we are in information over load, but at our own hands because we are continually accessing information, much of it useless or on a whim, and usually stuff that we will never use for anything other than a good laugh. I am not saying this is a bad thing, and most likely if the internet, smart phones and information at the speed of light had been available 50 years ago, we would have done exactly the same thing. I will be one to say that the technology available today has provided me with amazing tools to do what I do to have so much information, and I am grateful for it all. But some of it, this smart intelligent easy to access information seems to have made me lazy, stupid, and I have actually learned to rely on it and not challenge myself any longer to remember it. An example, smart phones, I am guessing that many of us have embraced this amazing technology. A device that remembers all the stuff we used to have to remember that now keeps our music and important information at our fingertips. Frankly at this point I cannot remember a single e-mail, phone number, address, password, birthday, event or anniversary without my phone. My brain has just decided that it no longer needs to remember any of this stuff. So has technology helped or harmed us... The jury may still be out! The official start of the summer months begins this weekend, and our weather seems to be in tune with the calendar. It is also the time of the year we start truly shedding our heavier clothes and putting our winter bodies on display for the world to see. Guaranteed a larger majority of people planned on being in better shape at this point but chances are life got in the way and those January goals were not reached once again. So rather than being hard on your self and beating your self up emotionally try, another strategy, one that might be healthier and keep you happier and possibly more effectively on course than the past. I think many times we try to make things so difficult that we overwhelm ourselves into failure yet once again..This time lets hit it from the angle of success and with less mental stress and anguish. I think one problem so many of us have is that change is hard and visible signs of those changes never happen as fast as we want them to. Obviously we have unrealistic expectations and want it all to happen and be done by tomorrow, and slow progress is hard for us to accept, although we did not get in this unhealthy state of affairs over night. I have found that getting some visible signs of change can be amazingly motivating, so I like to be a little stricter and focused, while keeping it streamlined and even a bit boring for about 3 weeks. This seems to show some needed motivational changes and seems to give us the support we need for change. Of course after about three weeks a longer term program needs to be approached, but until then I make it as easy as possible. This is what I suggest for the hard to motivate group who need that extra level of motivation, Daily- Protein- chicken, fish, all seafood, turkey, grass fed beef in whatever amount it takes to keep you full. Preparing it by baking, grilling, broiling, of course no batter and seasoned however you choose. Green vegetables, any and as much as you choose, and think outside the box. Try a few different vegetables every week and broaden the spectrum of your taste buds. Prepare them by steaming, grilling, baking or stir frying. Be creative and use as much variety as you can muster up. Add any spices and do not be afraid of the butter. Fruits, I usually suggest 1/2 cup of berries daily if you choose, or if your sweet tooth is screaming at you. Choose fresh whenever possible, but frozen is another great choice. That is it for the food for the first three weeks. Beverages, diet soda seems to be a popular choice, I prefer ice tea, green tea and of course 64 ounces or more of fresh water daily. Boring, a bit, but the end result will make it enjoyable enough to get this done, and done well. Our problem is we have glamorized food so much that we expect our taste buds to be overly satisfied, and we now use food as a past time and a friend rather than a way of staying alive and replenishing our bodies of nutrition. Weigh your self at the beginning, and again three weeks later, and that's it. Use clothing as goals and measure of your success. One more tip, do not talk about your problem with friends, family or co workers. Although we love them, they may be in need of the same program, but if they are not ready for the change, they have a tendency to not be always as supportive as they could be. This can add some negativity and may cause you to not be focused or to stray away from the goal you are ready this time to reach. Just let them notice your changes and say thank you, I am getting healthy and leave it at that. Good luck..... For years I have been asked one question more than any other, and it has been asked of me from all corners and from all demographics of our country. The question being why I feel we as a nation are so sick, at such an early age when just a few generations ago, our families seemed to not get sick until they were much older? My answer has become a standard answer that today seems even more correct, diet! Just as we try to do the best we can in every category of our life, searching for the newest, biggest, best products with all the bells and whistles, we are individuals that today are very outspoken about wanting the best. We like being the first to do something, or to be in the "IN CROWD" with everything hot, new and the most talked about products and healthy journeys. Somewhere we have overlooked the basics of health, and how to apply, and be consistent applying these principals to our health, our daily life and even our long term health goals. Most people when asked this same question will say stress is the reason we are so sick, and although stress can be a killer, our overall state of health, and the malnutrition of our bodies causing this unhealthy state that many of us live in every day I feel is the main reason. If we were supplying our bodies all the tools it needs in the form of balanced healthy foods and supplements, while aiding the digestive system and supporting the immune system, we would have a finer tuned machine that would deal with stress head on, and successfully. But because our over fed, bloated, unbalanced, un rested and nutritionally unbalanced bodies are in such a state of dis- ease, we do not have the capability we could have if our bodies were better taken care of, and in better states of health. Years ago the standard of life and life expectancy was much lower. We got smarter for a time, ate better and our life expectancy grew, and we lived longer healthier lives. I am now sadly seeing a reversal to times when the expectancy is much less than it is today because although we have the tools, knowledge and protocol in place to live a longer, healthier life, we choose not to do our homework. I feel many of us have a subconscious attitude that these things will never happen to me, and that I am in pretty good shape and I am not That sick, and we seem to feel we are untouchable. Although our hardened external shell may keep us protected and fearless, I am sure way down deep we know we need a change but maybe are fearful of doing it incorrectly, or afraid to ask for help and support, and we would rather just roll the dice than ask questions, this could be due to a bad track record. Sooner or later all of us are going to need to make changes in our daily routines; I only hope that you will chose to make the changes while they are just a good measure of present and future health, rather than a necessity to survive because you waited way too long. I often wonder why we allow ourselves to feel as badly as we do, and on a regular basis. I mean we talk about how badly we feel, we do complain and moan and groan, and when asked what we do about the situation we mostly say, nothing! I understand that we are busy, and that we have a lot on our plates, and most of it has been served up by us, but feeling badly all the time should take a major priority role. This country over the last 15 or so years has become a symptomatic relief society, where we search out anything and everything to get rid of an annoying symptom, and rarely if ever ask or search for a cause as to how we got there. We go to the Doctor, the Doctor asks us how we are doing, and we gladly list the symptoms of health problems that annoy us. Many of my Doctor friends will tell me the patients will actually plead for something, actually anything to make the annoying symptoms go away. I am also informed that a patient will rarely ask how did this happen, or what could I have done, or better yet what could I do to make it never happen again. It has become very frustrating for both patients wanting help, and the Doctors trying to provide what is needed, and what is wanted. I am not sure when we stopped taking responsibility for our health, and when we handed it over to the isles and isles of quick fix products in the drug store and the giving complete control to the medical community. There was a time when we fought to stay healthy, when we put our health in a priority position because we knew if we were ill or sick we could not work and support ourselves or our families. Do I think we need a come to reality moment in this country, yes I do, and I think the sooner the better. We have, as a nation eaten and stressed ourselves into a way of living that is unhealthy and life shortening, all in the name of bad habits and vices. We have allowed our palates to run the show, and our taste buds to map out the diet we consume. We know in our heart and brains that eating good tasting, unhealthy processed, high sugar and fatty foods are a bad thing to consume, but the taste buds have learned to over ride our knowledge, and actually make us want it at all costs. Change is never easy, and it is going take some work on our part, but even when you feel the struggle the first couple weeks, I guarantee all the work will be worth it ten fold after just a short period of time. Remind yourself everyday that life is short and you are worth every single effort needed to bring back and to regain your health. So you have decided to start getting healthier, and you are ready for the inevitable changes, so now what? I think the hardest part of committing to a healthy way of living is first the deciding to actually do it. Of course the second difficult requirement is the actual follow through. I think personally the idea of change in general is hard to wrap our mind around because it means doing things differently, upsetting the apple cart, and walking on the unfamiliar wild side. One of the hardest changes I think for all of us is our food consumption change, which involves eating differently than we are used to eating and going against our powerful taste buds. As many questions as I answer on dietary changes, the hardest thing people will admit to is having to give up the things they love. Even when we know the foods that we are eating are unhealthy and bad for us and harmful to our health, our taste buds have become so powerful that we give in and fail, knowing well and good it is not healthy. The thing is, if you can possibly stand up to your taste buds for a few weeks, they will actually come around and agree with your heart and brain as they themselves feel the healthier difference. I will admit, the first few weeks are not going to be easy, as you go through mental and physical withdrawal from addictive unhealthy processed foods, although it gets easier, the first week you may want to throw in the towel. remind yourself, I am worth it, I am worth it!!! Remember that all of the things associated with change will get easier, and it will all make better sense as you feel the healthier difference. Plus, do not feel bad if you are only able to make small baby step changes at a time, it is still forward movement and still great for the long journey. I was amazed when I started doing just a few small organizational steps every day on how it made things so much better. I am sure many, if not all of us have had those mornings where everything we need is nowhere to be found. Be it our keys, wallet, purse, shoes, phone, phone charger and etc. After years of rushing around in the morning like a chicken with his head cut off, I decided to make a few changes, and what a difference. Now many people will say these are basic things we all should be doing anyway, I agree, but easy simple things we all should know and do are the things we all rarely do and that things that cause the most frustration. So, I decided that every time I came in the house the keys went on a hook or in a bowl on the front table by the door. I have a central charging place, for me it is my studio where phones, laptops and my blue tooth are charged every single night. It has been such a plus to have this ease of finding stuff that nights where I FORGOT, I will get out of bed and make sure everything is where it should be. For many people getting dressed, not the act of getting dressed, but finding something to wear can eat up a ton of time in the morning. This may be time you do not have pending on the amount of times you and your snooze alarm do the morning tango. I have decided to make it easy and lay out my clothes the night before. Easy you say, yes of course, but how many mornings have you been late due to not having clothes ready or nothing to wear, or nothing that fit? Packing a lunch the night before is also time saving, and money from your pocket saving because if you have nothing, you will most likely spend too much on food that will most likely be No good for you. So yes I will agree that these are the most basic organizational skills, but they are also simple things that when applied can make a hectic morning move much more smoothly. Allergy season is in full bloom, no pun intended in the southwest,actually all around the country as of now. When we in the south west are lucky enough to have a little extra rainfall during the winter months, it is amazing the beautiful spring that we get to enjoy, but the powerful pollen season comes along with it. Most people that have lived in the south west for many years are ready for each upcoming allergy season, but then we still have a lot of people that are blindsided every year, even though the previous year they were hit heavy by the annoying symptoms.
Let's face it, the allergy season is going to come at us every year, and for some people it is not even an issue, but some of us, we suffer. Interestingly enough, I am allergy sufferer, but over the years I have actually had seasons that I felt no ill effects of the pollen, and other years I never thought the season would end. What I have learned and committed to a yearly routine is to do the preparatory work needed to help me get through. A few tips that can make your allergy season smoother and tolerable are as follows. 1- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of fresh clean water daily. Water not only hydrates your body, but it adds moisture to help to thin mucous and phlegm. 2- Limit your complex carbohydrates, sugar and dairy foods, and instead concentrate on protein, fresh green vegetables and fruits for the months of intense pollination in your area. 3- Drink fresh squeezed juices, and herbal teas-hot or cold for added hydration. 4- Make sure to change your air filters in your home every two weeks, and have a large garbage bag at the filter change site, and put the filter in the bag. This will keep you from dropping dust, dirt and pollen from the old filter on the way through the house to put in garbage. This way it is sealed and there is no chance of redepositing the collected debris back in the air. 5- Make sure to exercise, as the increasing of cardiovascular exercise helps to keep your lungs stronger and help your breathing. 6-Make sure you are getting a quality nights sleep. If this is a problem area, consult your health food store for healthy strong formulas to knock you out naturally. 7-Do a cleanse. Doing a cleanse during allergy season can do amazing things for your health, and truly make a difference in keeping you healthier as old waste and toxins leave the body. 8-One of the most important things is to leave shoes at the door and if you have been outside all day, remove your clothes in the laundry room, and do not sit on furniture or lay on the bed and deposit the outdoor pollen in your home. Just a few changes and alterations to our routine can make a huge difference in the quality of our health during the allergy season. Although the pollen and plants are different throughout the country, the tips will apply anywhere during you allergy season. Does it seem to anyone else that with all of the things available to us to make our lives easier, we are more disorganized then ever before? We have the world at the click of the mouse, on demand information 24 hours a day, music at our fingertips, any song, any time and we are still questing for more. Is it that we have become so attached to technology that we literally cannot get enough? I saw a cartoon on Face Book the other day showing a friend asking if anyone had plans to go somewhere really cool over the weekend and play on their phones when they got there. I think he hit the nail on the head. We do not talk to each other, we would rather text than talk and we are all too lazy to get up to even talk with someone in the same house, we would rather text them instead. Seriously what The Hell has happened to us? I am sure it happened a little at a time, but it is everywhere and people of all demographics, races, sex and religions have bought into it. Now do not get me wrong, I love technology and use it a lot, but I love my friends and I still enjoy conversation, I mean Hell I talk for a living. Is this the end of the basic conversation? Have we become so involved in our technological world that we have no interest anymore in interpersonal relationships? Plus do not get me started on the kids and youth of today. They do nothing, have no activity, and live in their rooms and have been raised on technology, and have no clue what it is to really be a kid. I am frightened that they are the future of this country that is already in a downward spiral. I know I am not alone in this thought process, but I feel that at this point in time I feel I am in the minority. Try an experiment the next time you are a mall or big event. Try to go longer than 5 seconds without seeing some one on their phone talking, texting or send an email. Good Luck! I have decided that a lot us, either publicly or privately want to be healthier than we are, and many of us would like to have certain aspects of our health be much better than it is today. I am sure across the country every morning many of us lean over the sink and look in the mirror and wonder how we got here. How we let ourselves gain so much weight, get so out of shape, how we let ourselves get unhealthy and how we look so much older than we really are. The funny thing is that moment when we really are serious about the severity of the changes that are needed in our mind, and we feel really strong about it. But then the day begins, and that strong feeling passes, and before you know it we are off doing what we do every day, with the good intentions slowly fading into the background, and the comfortable auto pilot lives we live start taking the lead. I guess this is human nature, and I think that get up and go attitude mentality has somehow become a fossil in our personality. Now do not get me wrong, we may really want these changes to transpire, but the work involved most of the time is maybe too overwhelming for us to stay in our focus. When that "make a change" attitude does kick in, is when bad news suddenly enters the equation. A bad blood work up, getting really sick or when a major health crisis rears its ugly head, for most of us can be a swift kick in the motivation rear end. I would like it to be different, but the reality is each of us are motivated to make a change in our own way, and better late than ever may be the way things are moving forward. So my best suggestion is for all of us then to be just a bit better to ourselves everyday. Tiny baby steps that do not really qualify in our minds as "changes", but instead more positive healthy steps heading in a better direction. Human nature is very strong, and the predictability of us being stubborn and hard pressed to make changes, even when needed will now, and in the future be a tough process.... But one that is well worth the effort. Sorry I have not posted in a while, I guess life started getting my way, or I LET IT. I have been starting a lot of great new ventures, and I am hoping many more on the horizon and in my future. It is funny how the more I get the chance to do what I love, the more I want to do. This morning I was in the guest seat as a guest, and not the host. I did well, I mean I do have a bit of control issues, so being in the guest seat was a lot easier than I expected. I have been interviewed before and represented companies in an educator position, but you know I have a tendency to over guess and over think things a lot, and then after I think to myself what is wrong with you? Something I have recently gained clarity with is the fact that life is too damn short. I am the first to say we spend too much time dwelling in the past and preparing for the coulda, shoulda, woulda futures that may or may not come our way. I am a believer in planning for the future, but not at the expense of missing or gliding through a perfectly amazing present. As I have got older, so has my circle of friends, and with this the age of the group has also increased. This brings hopefully wisdom and experience and the memories of a full life, but for many of us it brings regrets and frustration for not pursuing our dreams and aspirations. I think we are all somehow blinded by the idea that we have plenty of time to live and get things done, and so many of us utilize that back burner in life where we shelf so many dreams and things on our bucket list. Many dear friends of mine have left this world way too early, and in many cases not achieving all they, in my mind should have because they kept waiting. I am not sure why we just wait.. Wait for a better time, a time when we have more time, a time when there is less stress, a time when finances are better. What I have learned is there is not good time to live your life better and fully.... We just need to do it..embrace it... ago for it! It is very common for someone to say when I get that promotion, or meet the perfect person, or finish school, or lose that 25 pounds I will be happy, and feel great. I have no doubt that achieving goals, and propelling your life to a more positive state is a great thing on many levels. My question is when did we stop enjoying the moment we are in, or at least enjoying the day or the week? I think we end up spending so much time living in the possibilities of the what could, and the what if, that we lose so much of the moments we are in at that time. I have always tried to remind everyone I get the privilege to chat with to remember that life is nothing more than a series of moments. We have great ones, good ones, happy ones and sad ones, the moments can be life changing and memorable, and some we may never want to remember or experience again. All we can hope for is that we end up with more happy then sad, and more good then bad. I have learned that if we break things down to the smaller picture everything from solving difficult questions, making important decisions and satisfying goals become more achievable and more doable. What I have hope for is that we slow down a bit, take more time to enjoy the moments, and learn to appreciate all we have already achieved thus far in our life, and not live only for what may or not come or way. I think there comes a time in everyone's life where no matter how much you enjoy the life road you are on, you may need to stand back and face a reality check. It is never easy to realize that your health, or lack of health may be directly related to the things, habits or vices you have adopted over time. Nobody wants a bad check up, or to end up with a health condition, disease or emergency life changing event, but there is a better chance of these happening then a long life of great health. Sad though it may be, change is the one and only thing that may change the road, the path and the ultimate outcome of where we are all heading. Over the I have done literally thousands of radio shows and large and small lectures, and the one thing I have learned is that we all want a healthier life, we just do not like the changes that have to be made to get their or to achieve it. The old adage "You are what you eat" has evolved into something much more detailed in today's world. You are what you eat, what you digest, what you absorb, how you feel, and what you do to make the changes necessary to live a healthier life. More complex, yes, but so are we as a nation. We have allowed our palates to run the show and we give in to every whim, craving and choice with no true concern for consequences. When was it that we stopped fighting for good health and when did we stop thinking about the quality of our life? It seems as if today the major problem is we measure the success of life by the toys and things we acquire rather than the state of health, and it is killing us. So what are we supposed to do? I think a reality check and a pro and con life list would be a start. Write down the things you want and need from life, and the things you do not want or need. If it looks something like Pro Great Heath, happiness, great friends, a positive attitude, a full active lifestyle, no medications, and a happiness level off the charts. Con No disease, no negatively life altering bad habits, no bad health, no revolving Doctor office doors, no non quality life. If this is what you would write, or something close to it, you are on the right track.... Then you just need to apply it, commit to your mindset and live it.... And if people are holding you back, get a new group of supportive people in your life. So today I started a new show on RadioMD, and it went well. A different kind of show format than I was used to, but still talking about the nutrition field, and the amazing alternatives and compliments that are available to us the consumer. I think the shows of the future, like this one moving forward will address the topic of being proactive with our health and choices, because today getting healthy really needs to be a way of life, not just an after thought like it has always been. When I am talking to someone today about their health, and what they have and have not been doing to better or worsen their health they are many times surprised. I think that surprise is because taking responsibility for our bad choices, or accepting the fact that we may be the culprit for our ill health is hard to swallow. I mean let's face it, when you think about the fact that what we eat, how we sleep, how we deal with stress, or do not deal with stress can be leading factors in our unhealthy life is a big thing to wrap our mind around. So big that many people would rather choose denial rather than work out a way to make the changes needed to regain a healthier life. This is very sad to me because the fact is no matter what health problems you are dealing with now, chances are it will get worst before it gets better when you do nothing, and then you will eventually have to make changes at that point. I get it that the word change like the other ugly words like diet, taxes and obligation are really ugly words, but the thing we have to remember is that all the changes do not have to happen over night. Baby steps can lead to monumental changes, and just moving forward can bring great success with our health. So stop thinking about health as a large scale operation, and instead think about all the small things you can do that will add up to the ultimate goal, better over all health!
With technology playing an important role in our lives daily technology it seems as if all of us have adopted the newer, faster, redder, riper technology. It easy to understand because everywhere we go the technological updates of our society is evident and seen. With these advances my opinion is we have forgotten how to enjoy the simple things in life. A lost appreciation for intimate close friendships, reading a book, enjoying nature, and simply relaxing at home having simple conversation with friends and family. Do you feel like you have become so entrenched in the technological social media merry go round that you notice how the simple things have been over looked? I do. Now do not get me wrong, I love technology and social media and speed of light communications, but I also have struck and worked towards a balance, and balance is the key. A friend of mine traveled recently to a very remote area of Africa for 3 months. He said it was the best experience of his life. He had no cellular service, no internet and virtually no communication. He will be the first to admit the withdrawal from fast food, fast communication and his fast paced life was difficult, but soon into the experience it changed. He is not the same person he was before he went. He will say I appreciate the good things in life, the simple things and I have learned how to scale back and downsize, to a point where he looks like he has gone through a metamorphosis. Maybe all of us need to have some kind of a journey to remind us of everything we have achieved, everything we have done and completed and learn how to enjoy the moment. Too many of us are so wrapped in the process of chasing the next goal and dream, and that is fine as long as you do not ignore the present and smell the flowers along the way. My prescription, enjoy every day, search out the positive, pat yourself on the back for every good thing you do, kick negativity to the curb and look around at the good around you once and a while. You will be amazed at how amazing you already are. When did we become a society of organizations fighting over the differences over getting healthy? I am a big believer in medication when needed, but on the other hand I think we should exhaust other alternatives that may possibly bring healthier results. Whether we went into a sector of the health care field to work on the so called traditional side of the fence, or the alternative complimentary field, this should have no bearing on our passion to help people. I went into the industry to make a difference in the information people have to make better more informed choices, and I think that we need any and all information to make those health based decisive choices. So why is it that the different sectors do not work together? Has it become solely about the bottom line, or the" my therapy is better than yours belief system"? Could it be that fear has become a leading factor or is it that we just do not know how to play well together? Can you tell me that putting all of our faith into the pharmaceutical industry should be our on and only choice, and the only path we should follow? I think not. I do extensive research on herbs, foods and therapies that have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, so let me get this right, we should just turn an eye to these time honored therapies and ideas, once again, I think not. When we are diagnosed, or have been suffering with a health problem, what may I ask is the problem with doing research, doing our home work to aid us in deciding what course of action should we follow? I think the medical profession has made amazing strides in therapy, diagnostic, surgery and health care, but will I stop researching , or should all of us not also look to see what has been used, or what is being used around the world, many times as a first choice for that same situation? no. I guess my bottom line feelings are we should exhaust ever possible avenue for problems affecting our health. We should be open and honest with our medical practitioners to let them know any and all things we are doing and what our thought process is. We should do the same research on our supplements, choosing quality brands from companies that do the right research and whose products stand up to all tests of quality control and integrity.We should of course work hand in hand with the physicians that are monitoring our cases, but all along the way be true to your belief system, and never surrender to a protocol just because you may be told it is the one and only way. It is quite an interesting and perplexing situation as I end the finishing point of my book and start to have the feelings that this undertaking is more about me then the people who will relate to it. I also have learned how many millions of people are on similar journeys and how parallel our lives are running. The even more interesting thing is that the journeys run parallel even when the back grounds, financial situations, ages, sex and even race and religion are completely different. To me it says so much for the difference as well as the similarities that runs blood deep to all peoples of our planet. When my friends ask me about the person nature of the book, and the walls down approach to the book and its contents if I am going to able to handle and field the questions that come from its reviews. My response is always the same, we can always learn from other peoples journeys, their strengths and their weaknesses, their successes and their failures, If... we listen. Plus, no bad has ever come from being brutally honest or having heart felt passion. Will it be judged, most likely but I will guarantee the thoughts, the emotions and the journey and experiences will far surpass any of the critics, and that to me is the main reason for this journey. So fingers crossed please as I close the last bit of this journal and finishing baring my soul.... |
AuthorMy name is Jeffrey Burke. I have been in the health and nutrition field for well over three decades. In August 2012 I was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasting Hall Of Fame. It was an amazing honor to be honored at the Gala event. Jeff has been posting about nutrition and health since 2006. See those posts here:
RadioWithJeff Archives
February 2018