![]() It is very common for someone to say when I get that promotion, or meet the perfect person, or finish school, or lose that 25 pounds I will be happy, and feel great. I have no doubt that achieving goals, and propelling your life to a more positive state is a great thing on many levels. My question is when did we stop enjoying the moment we are in, or at least enjoying the day or the week? I think we end up spending so much time living in the possibilities of the what could, and the what if, that we lose so much of the moments we are in at that time. I have always tried to remind everyone I get the privilege to chat with to remember that life is nothing more than a series of moments. We have great ones, good ones, happy ones and sad ones, the moments can be life changing and memorable, and some we may never want to remember or experience again. All we can hope for is that we end up with more happy then sad, and more good then bad. I have learned that if we break things down to the smaller picture everything from solving difficult questions, making important decisions and satisfying goals become more achievable and more doable. What I have hope for is that we slow down a bit, take more time to enjoy the moments, and learn to appreciate all we have already achieved thus far in our life, and not live only for what may or not come or way.
![]() I think there comes a time in everyone's life where no matter how much you enjoy the life road you are on, you may need to stand back and face a reality check. It is never easy to realize that your health, or lack of health may be directly related to the things, habits or vices you have adopted over time. Nobody wants a bad check up, or to end up with a health condition, disease or emergency life changing event, but there is a better chance of these happening then a long life of great health. Sad though it may be, change is the one and only thing that may change the road, the path and the ultimate outcome of where we are all heading. Over the I have done literally thousands of radio shows and large and small lectures, and the one thing I have learned is that we all want a healthier life, we just do not like the changes that have to be made to get their or to achieve it. The old adage "You are what you eat" has evolved into something much more detailed in today's world. You are what you eat, what you digest, what you absorb, how you feel, and what you do to make the changes necessary to live a healthier life. More complex, yes, but so are we as a nation. We have allowed our palates to run the show and we give in to every whim, craving and choice with no true concern for consequences. When was it that we stopped fighting for good health and when did we stop thinking about the quality of our life? It seems as if today the major problem is we measure the success of life by the toys and things we acquire rather than the state of health, and it is killing us. So what are we supposed to do? I think a reality check and a pro and con life list would be a start. Write down the things you want and need from life, and the things you do not want or need. If it looks something like Pro Great Heath, happiness, great friends, a positive attitude, a full active lifestyle, no medications, and a happiness level off the charts. Con No disease, no negatively life altering bad habits, no bad health, no revolving Doctor office doors, no non quality life. If this is what you would write, or something close to it, you are on the right track.... Then you just need to apply it, commit to your mindset and live it.... And if people are holding you back, get a new group of supportive people in your life. ![]() So today I started a new show on RadioMD, and it went well. A different kind of show format than I was used to, but still talking about the nutrition field, and the amazing alternatives and compliments that are available to us the consumer. I think the shows of the future, like this one moving forward will address the topic of being proactive with our health and choices, because today getting healthy really needs to be a way of life, not just an after thought like it has always been. When I am talking to someone today about their health, and what they have and have not been doing to better or worsen their health they are many times surprised. I think that surprise is because taking responsibility for our bad choices, or accepting the fact that we may be the culprit for our ill health is hard to swallow. I mean let's face it, when you think about the fact that what we eat, how we sleep, how we deal with stress, or do not deal with stress can be leading factors in our unhealthy life is a big thing to wrap our mind around. So big that many people would rather choose denial rather than work out a way to make the changes needed to regain a healthier life. This is very sad to me because the fact is no matter what health problems you are dealing with now, chances are it will get worst before it gets better when you do nothing, and then you will eventually have to make changes at that point. I get it that the word change like the other ugly words like diet, taxes and obligation are really ugly words, but the thing we have to remember is that all the changes do not have to happen over night. Baby steps can lead to monumental changes, and just moving forward can bring great success with our health. So stop thinking about health as a large scale operation, and instead think about all the small things you can do that will add up to the ultimate goal, better over all health!
AuthorMy name is Jeffrey Burke. I have been in the health and nutrition field for well over three decades. In August 2012 I was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasting Hall Of Fame. It was an amazing honor to be honored at the Gala event. Jeff has been posting about nutrition and health since 2006. See those posts here:
RadioWithJeff Archives
February 2018