![]() With technology playing an important role in our lives daily technology it seems as if all of us have adopted the newer, faster, redder, riper technology. It easy to understand because everywhere we go the technological updates of our society is evident and seen. With these advances my opinion is we have forgotten how to enjoy the simple things in life. A lost appreciation for intimate close friendships, reading a book, enjoying nature, and simply relaxing at home having simple conversation with friends and family. Do you feel like you have become so entrenched in the technological social media merry go round that you notice how the simple things have been over looked? I do. Now do not get me wrong, I love technology and social media and speed of light communications, but I also have struck and worked towards a balance, and balance is the key. A friend of mine traveled recently to a very remote area of Africa for 3 months. He said it was the best experience of his life. He had no cellular service, no internet and virtually no communication. He will be the first to admit the withdrawal from fast food, fast communication and his fast paced life was difficult, but soon into the experience it changed. He is not the same person he was before he went. He will say I appreciate the good things in life, the simple things and I have learned how to scale back and downsize, to a point where he looks like he has gone through a metamorphosis. Maybe all of us need to have some kind of a journey to remind us of everything we have achieved, everything we have done and completed and learn how to enjoy the moment. Too many of us are so wrapped in the process of chasing the next goal and dream, and that is fine as long as you do not ignore the present and smell the flowers along the way. My prescription, enjoy every day, search out the positive, pat yourself on the back for every good thing you do, kick negativity to the curb and look around at the good around you once and a while. You will be amazed at how amazing you already are.
![]() When did we become a society of organizations fighting over the differences over getting healthy? I am a big believer in medication when needed, but on the other hand I think we should exhaust other alternatives that may possibly bring healthier results. Whether we went into a sector of the health care field to work on the so called traditional side of the fence, or the alternative complimentary field, this should have no bearing on our passion to help people. I went into the industry to make a difference in the information people have to make better more informed choices, and I think that we need any and all information to make those health based decisive choices. So why is it that the different sectors do not work together? Has it become solely about the bottom line, or the" my therapy is better than yours belief system"? Could it be that fear has become a leading factor or is it that we just do not know how to play well together? Can you tell me that putting all of our faith into the pharmaceutical industry should be our on and only choice, and the only path we should follow? I think not. I do extensive research on herbs, foods and therapies that have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, so let me get this right, we should just turn an eye to these time honored therapies and ideas, once again, I think not. When we are diagnosed, or have been suffering with a health problem, what may I ask is the problem with doing research, doing our home work to aid us in deciding what course of action should we follow? I think the medical profession has made amazing strides in therapy, diagnostic, surgery and health care, but will I stop researching , or should all of us not also look to see what has been used, or what is being used around the world, many times as a first choice for that same situation? no. I guess my bottom line feelings are we should exhaust ever possible avenue for problems affecting our health. We should be open and honest with our medical practitioners to let them know any and all things we are doing and what our thought process is. We should do the same research on our supplements, choosing quality brands from companies that do the right research and whose products stand up to all tests of quality control and integrity.We should of course work hand in hand with the physicians that are monitoring our cases, but all along the way be true to your belief system, and never surrender to a protocol just because you may be told it is the one and only way. ![]() It is quite an interesting and perplexing situation as I end the finishing point of my book and start to have the feelings that this undertaking is more about me then the people who will relate to it. I also have learned how many millions of people are on similar journeys and how parallel our lives are running. The even more interesting thing is that the journeys run parallel even when the back grounds, financial situations, ages, sex and even race and religion are completely different. To me it says so much for the difference as well as the similarities that runs blood deep to all peoples of our planet. When my friends ask me about the person nature of the book, and the walls down approach to the book and its contents if I am going to able to handle and field the questions that come from its reviews. My response is always the same, we can always learn from other peoples journeys, their strengths and their weaknesses, their successes and their failures, If... we listen. Plus, no bad has ever come from being brutally honest or having heart felt passion. Will it be judged, most likely but I will guarantee the thoughts, the emotions and the journey and experiences will far surpass any of the critics, and that to me is the main reason for this journey. So fingers crossed please as I close the last bit of this journal and finishing baring my soul.... ![]() Does it ever make you wonder why we are so hard on our bodies? I mean we all know if we treat ourselves in a healthier manner we will be healthier for our efforts. Yet we seem to almost be of the mind set that bad things do not happen to me. The crazy thing is when we are in a situation when we are already fighting for our health and suffering with health related issues, and promising to be better we seem to really mean change is imperative. So we promise and pray that if we can just get through this event we will make a change. But in the end, once we are lucky enough to get through the crisis we revert to old habits and vices, and are still not motivated enough to make a positive change. I actually have thought about this conundrum many times over the years, and I have yet to figure it out. Another thing that I am still pondering is when someone is lucky enough to beat a disease or heal from a tragedy, even when the odds were against them, and they still do not make the necessary life changes. I am starting to think that maybe we have lost the idea in our mind of what health is all about. Maybe we have also lost touch with how valuable our health is, and how devastating it is to lose it. All I can do is hope we all start appreciating our health when we have it, doing everything we can to get it back if we lose it, and then hold on tight to never lose it again! ![]() Today I spoke to a friend that is going through her second time around with chemotherapy and radiation. The Doctor feels this time may be an incredibly difficult journey, and is not as positive this time around.Years ago, she breezed through it, and although she was amazingly grateful and felt blessed, her focus was short lived as she went back to every single bad habit and vice a short time after she got the great news. Because I had been working with her and helping her with diet and supplements her and I became very close. I was able to get her through radical treatment and keep her feeling really good, working and active, and it was a very successful journey. So my feelings about reverting to all the bad habits made me become very vocal, and it put a wedge between us. I feel when someone is blessed enough to be able to beat a terrible disease and make it out alive, my think you should be grateful and happy of that blessing. But I guess I was too vocal and we lost touch soon after that until today when she let me know she was very sick again. She apologized for, in her worlds being a ridiculous stubborn ass, and was hoping I could see it to help her again. Of course I would help her again, and I said yes quickly with a determination in my voice. Maybe this time she would get it if she was lucky enough to roll lucky seven two times in a row. I sent her a list of things to get started with, and I will be meeting her for a sit down next week. Her Oncologist is the same one from ten years ago, and he was happy she called me to do the other half of the therapy. I just have to remember that no matter what all of us are in charge of our own health. We will or will not stay on path and whatever we choose for the road map is our choice and only ours... I am hoping all of us together can kick this things butt again! ![]() It is easy to see how so many people, although having the want to and possibly the necessity of making a change have a tendency to fail. When you really think about it, we are creatures of habit, and our habits make us who we are, and some of them are years and decades deep. I think the most frustrating thing about change is even when we know our health or quality of life depend on it, we still have trouble changing. I am not sure if it is because in the back of our mind our track record with change is not very successful, or whether we have not accepted the necessity for the change in the first place. Hearing from a Doctor that we have to change, or getting ill from the actions of a bad habit or lifestyle situation we are still hard pressed to motivate ourselves to move forward. So, what is it that finally rips us down, motivates us, force us or causes the realization that change is needed and will be good for us? I think it is different for everyone. The one thing I think we need to do is ask ourselves every day, is today the day? Is today the day I change my life for the better and move in that healthier direction I need to go? Is this the day I make the changes that can change my life, extend my life, Save my life? If the answer is yes, you do it. If the answer is know, sooner or later you will annoy yourself enough to possibly guilt yourself into making a change. When you are ready you will make the leap forward, but only when you are ready. This is when your healthy journey will work and be a success, because you decided it was time. Many times we make changes for friends, family member's or people that tell us we need change, and they may be right, but the decision needs to be ours to be a success. So good luck on your changes, good luck on the healthy journey, and remember once you see the benefits of the change, you will be home free! ![]() When you wake up today it will be a new year with a full book of empty pages ready to be written on, this means different things to everyone. For some of us it means a beginning of being better to ourselves this time around. A more focused priority where we put ourselves first with our well being and better health in mind. This obviously could dramatically change the face of our country if we all did this as a nation. For some of us the new year means closing the door to year full of problems, bad health, failed goals and unhealthy living. For this group two paths are available. One, follow the same road with just about the same outcome, or two, change it up and give yourself the focus you deserve. For me it is always about closing the door hard and tight and nailing it shut because in the big scheme of things we are where we are and it does not matter how we got here. Learning from our mistakes and remembering the unhealthy roads that got us here, of course. But dwelling on them and revisiting them no! The present and future is where we need to be existing mentally. Many people have been the "go to" people in their families and friendship groups, which is admirable, but no matter how much you may enjoy this heavy and satisfying burden, eventually some focus needs to go in your own direction, or crashing and burning is inevitable. So be the person you have always been, but a new improved version of yourself where a portion of your focus stays on yourself. You will find that you are better at everything you do, including being that "go to" person. Let us all, when we look in the mirror for the entire first month not see or dwell on all of our troubles and problems, but instead see the new birth of great health, happiness and a positive version of ourselves. Sometimes visualizing a better way of living can be an amazing strong motivation. Remember, the new year is about being better to ourselves than we were last year, and thats all!! |
AuthorMy name is Jeffrey Burke. I have been in the health and nutrition field for well over three decades. In August 2012 I was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasting Hall Of Fame. It was an amazing honor to be honored at the Gala event. Jeff has been posting about nutrition and health since 2006. See those posts here:
RadioWithJeff Archives
February 2018