![]() I think somewhere along the way on our journey of day to day living, many of us started thinking that getting rid of a symptom meant we were fixed, balanced or healed. I guess like everything else these days we like the fast fix, I mean we love fast food, and well fast everything. I think the magic wand quick fix solutions at every drug store promising a solution to the annoying symptoms we just cannot deal with has become the only choices we think to consider. Now after thinking that way for a while now we are actually frustrated when something does not relieve a problem in a fast and in a quick amount of time. Somewhere along the way we stopped taking responsibility for the actual health problem, and stopped even considering that we may personally be responsible for the unhealthy outcome. I get it, stress comes at us from every angle, and lots of it, and we have made ourselves busy every day, whether or not we actually were doing anything important or not, many times we just think we are too busy. When I do a sit down consultation and we are talking about healthy solutions including diet, exercise, sleep, and healthy supplements, I am so frequently taken back when I am asked if they need to stay on this program forever, and when can I eat what I want? Does that strike you odd? I mean you are trying to change all the things that got you sick or unhealthy, and before you are barely started with the process you want to know how long until you can go back to where you are getting away from now? We are creatures of habit, and I have seen hundreds of times that when you stick to the program and commit to the changes for a 3 or more week period of time, the results are so strong that you will not want to go backwards. But if your will is not strong, and you give in right away you will slide back to square one faster than you can imagine. So the bottom line is work with someone who has the knowledge to help you paint the healthy path to follow, and pull your patience out of your back pocket and commit to change.. You deserve it.
![]() When is enough, enough? When do we get to the point of being so unhealthy that we are finally ready to make a change? Every day I hear from people, listeners and even friends who are suffering with so many health problems, and although they are well aware of change being necessary in one form or another, they seem to be awaiting a magic wand or magic lamp! Of course if this was even close to a possibility, I would have a chain of those magic wand and lamp stores all over the world, but change, work, and treating ourselves with a healthier respect seems to be the most realistic way of bringing change. I will also be the first to say that there are plenty of us who have worked hard at our health, making changes and crossing our t's and dotting our i's, and still may not have achieved the results we were looking for. I guess it comes down to wrapping our mind around the idea that we did not get in these situations over night, and it may take a while, and possibly different approaches to get success. Do we get frustrated, yes. Do we we feel like throwing our hands in the air and giving up sometimes, yes. Are we human and are these responses perfectly normal, yes. Do we need to work on our patience and do our homework, yes. As a nation we do not have the luxury today that we had in the past of having a mentality that these health problems may happen when I am really old, because that philosophy is no longer valid. The one time geriatric health problems afflicting only the older segment of our country has now trickled down to many of us at alarmingly young ages. Diet, stress, processed food, hormonal problems and just not taking care of ourselves are major culprits, so attention to healthy detail now starts at a much younger age. So do not be so hard on yourself, ask questions of quality well informed people in the health field and remember that the first try may not always be the most successful choice. If you had to make a list of all of the things you have learned in your lifetime, I am sure the list would be vast, and loaded with amazing things. But I am going to guess that if you are anything like me the list of the things you knew and have forgotten along the way might be longer. I think back at all the stuff I knew and now get those ah ha moments when I recall the information. I am going to stick to the story that we are in information over load and the files we do not access go somewhere to be filed for later use, until I need the information and cannot figure out where those files are.
I do agree that we are in information over load, but at our own hands because we are continually accessing information, much of it useless or on a whim, and usually stuff that we will never use for anything other than a good laugh. I am not saying this is a bad thing, and most likely if the internet, smart phones and information at the speed of light had been available 50 years ago, we would have done exactly the same thing. I will be one to say that the technology available today has provided me with amazing tools to do what I do to have so much information, and I am grateful for it all. But some of it, this smart intelligent easy to access information seems to have made me lazy, stupid, and I have actually learned to rely on it and not challenge myself any longer to remember it. An example, smart phones, I am guessing that many of us have embraced this amazing technology. A device that remembers all the stuff we used to have to remember that now keeps our music and important information at our fingertips. Frankly at this point I cannot remember a single e-mail, phone number, address, password, birthday, event or anniversary without my phone. My brain has just decided that it no longer needs to remember any of this stuff. So has technology helped or harmed us... The jury may still be out! |
AuthorMy name is Jeffrey Burke. I have been in the health and nutrition field for well over three decades. In August 2012 I was inducted into the Nevada Broadcasting Hall Of Fame. It was an amazing honor to be honored at the Gala event. Jeff has been posting about nutrition and health since 2006. See those posts here:
RadioWithJeff Archives
February 2018